
1915 1920s actors airplane Ama and animal arch archer armor arranging arrows art artist Asia at balcony bamboo bare-chested barefoot barrels bars baskets battle battleship bay beach beard bearded bicyclist biplane bird birdies birds bit black black and white blossom blossoms boat boatmen boats boddhisatvas brazier bridge bridges browns bucket Buddha building cage calligraphy camelias canal canals cancellation canopy caparison card carp castle tower cat CAT:JN cattail ceremony cervids cherry cherry blossoms child children children's Chuzenji class cliffs clipping clouds color colors comb combed coolie corporeal costume costumes couple crafts craftsman creek crossed crowned Dai-Butsu dancing Day deco decoration deity demon depot determination Diabutsu district docks dog dollhouse domestic Dori doves dressing drum dubious ducks dwelling early east Edo embroidery entertaining exhibition exotic eyebrows eyes fabrication factories family fan fans far farmer fashion fields figure firefighters fireworks fish fisherman fixing flag flags flight float flower flower arranging flowers foreign forest framed fruit Fuji Fujiama fujiyama fune furniture Futarasan game gangster gangsters garden gate geisha geishas geta getas glove goddess gold gong good gorge Goziu graphics green hair hairdo hakone hall hammer hand-tinted hand-tinted photograph hand-tinted photogrpah handd-tinted photograph harbor hare hat helmet helping heron Hiroshige horizontal horse horseman horses hotel house hump-backed hut II ikebana illustration illustrations in incense industry ink inn instrument instruments iris Isezakicho island Iwokuni Japan